weight down
英 [weɪt daʊn]
美 [weɪt daʊn]
加重于; 使负重
- PHRASAL VERB 加重于;使负重
If youweightsomethingdown, you put something heavy on it or in it in order to prevent it from moving easily.- Put some tins on top to weight it down.
- Put some tins on top to weight it down.
- But manufacturers are aiming to bring the weight down to 330 pounds.
但是开发商还在努力将重量下降到330磅。 - Cycling is good for your waistline: You can burn a lot of calories while biking, especially when you cycle faster than a leisurely pace, and cycling has been associated with helping to keep weight gain down.
骑车减腰围:骑车可以消耗大量卡路里,尤其是当骑速超过悠闲步调的时候,并且骑车可以帮助保持体重。 - If you're primary consideration is to keep weight down, you may want to pay attention to those specifications.
如果您的首要考虑是为了保持体重下降,您可能要注意这些规格。 - One way of getting enough nutrients while keeping one's weight down is to take substitutes for foods which contain too much fat.
既要得到足够的营养又要减轻体重,办法之一就是服用代和食品,去代替那些脂肪含量过高的食品。 - You shall bring your weight down to what be normal.
你该把体重减至正常的水平啦。 - God this race: when all the weight down but, easy to get off our sins.
神告知赛跑者:当放下各种的重但,脱去容易缠累我们的罪。 - Doctors also urge women to keep their weight down, as obesity increases the risk of developing breast cancer during the postmenopausal years.
医生们也敦促女性减肥,因为肥胖会增加绝经后发生乳腺癌的风险。 - Study on the Heat of Evaporation of Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography; The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and cut out alcohol altogether.
气相色谱法研究有机化合物的蒸发热减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒。 - Mason, a British citizen who once held the Guinness World Record for World's Fattest Man when he weighed nearly 980 pounds, had a gastric bypass operation last year that helped him get his weight down to a relatively svelte 420 pounds.
英国市民Mason,曾经是世界最胖的人这项吉尼斯纪录的冠军,那个时候他的体重大概有980磅。去年他做了一个胃分流手术,这使他的体重下降到了大约420磅。 - I can not help smoking, because smoking calm my nerve, control anger and keep my weight down.